Es ist die Geschichte eines Mannes, der im Inneren Borneos eine Droge entdeckt, die von einer uralten Rasse verwendet wurde. Die Droge verspricht eine Art Unsterblichkeit, doch der Traum vom ewigen Leben erweist sich als Alptraum von gespenstischen Visionen und Tod. Curtis MacKinnon is an intemperate, naive fool. Sure of his invulnerability as an American expatriate, he comes to Borneo to play at being disreputable. His illusions and charm make him a dangerous man: soon enough, he is in trouble and forced to hide in the jungles of Kalimantan. He discovers a drug once used by the Punan Dayak, a lost race remembered as 'the dream wanderers'. Seribu aso does not, however, alter the perceptions of only the user. It changes the concrete reality of the land itself. MacKinnon has awoken the spirits of Kalimantan, the guardians of an unspoilt land. And he has no idea how powerful they are.